Sunday, April 29, 2007

Medal of Freedom!!!

Today six former CIA officers wrote a nasty letter to the former Director George Tenet who is blamed by many for being one of the main reasons why we are at war. Interestingly enough the former officers accused Tenet of misleading the American public and our congress with the type of information he chose to release in order to make a case for Iraq. The officers expressed their anger and frustration with tenet because the reports from officers on the field clearly showed that there were no WMD in Iraq and that Saddam and Al-Qaeda had no ties to one another. The officers also requested Tenet giving back the Medal of Freedom he received from President Bush before leaving the Agency. What amazes me is that Tenet’s new book is coming out on Monday and he actually gets to profit from all the pain and suffering he has brought to our nation and the rest of the world.

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