The Tenet Story keeps getting better and better. Here is his full interview with 60 minutes:
Monday, April 30, 2007
More Tenet !!!
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Medal of Freedom!!!
Today six former CIA officers wrote a nasty letter to the former Director George Tenet who is blamed by many for being one of the main reasons why we are at war. Interestingly enough the former officers accused Tenet of misleading the American public and our congress with the type of information he chose to release in order to make a case for
Saturday, April 28, 2007
NFL Draft...
Its NFL draft time and I am happy to report that the most overrated college player of all time Brady Quinn ended up being the #22 over all pick and not #1 as expected by the bias media. I am so sick of ND getting all the hype from the media even if it’s clear to most fans around the nation that they lack talent!!!
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Farewell Senior Year…
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Worlds Largest Illegal Gun Market...
This is a great video that shows the reality of what is going on in
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Today I had my first final of the semester in Chess… that’s right chess. As part of our final we had to play against our instructor Jack Peters who is an international master in chess; that means he is only one win away from being an international Grandmaster (the best in the world). As part of the setup we all position our chessboards around the room forming a circle and he would play all of us at once. I am talking about over 40 different games that he had to play at once one move at a time; and not surprisingly he ended up beating all 40 of us!!! I had fortunate enough to out last most of my classmates before loosing to him. Here is the recoding I have from the game: (looks like alien language)
1. e4 d5 2. Nf3 dxe4 3. Nh4 e5 4. g3 Be7 5. Bg2 Bxh4 6. gxh4 Qxh4 7. O-O Nf6 8.
d3 Bf5 9. Qe1 O-O 10. Nc3 exd3 11. Qxe5 Bh3 12. Qg3 Qxg3 13. fxg3 Bxg2 14. Kxg2 dxc2 15. Rf2 Nc6 16. Bf4 Nd4 17. a3 c5 18. Bd6 Rfc8 19. Ne2 Nb3 20. Re1 Ne4 21. Rf3 c1=Q 22. Nxc1 Nxc1 23. Rxc1 Nxd6 24. Re1 Re8 25. Ref1 Re2+ 26. R1f2 Rae8 27. Kf1 Rxf2+ 28. Rxf2 f5 29. b3 Re3 30. Rb2 b5 31. a4 bxa4 32. bxa4 c4 33. Kf2 Rb3 34. Ra2 c3 35. Ke1 Rb1+ 36. Ke2 Rb2+ 37. Kd3 Rxa2 38. Kxc3 Rxh2 39. Kd4 Kf7 40. Kc5 Ne4+ 41. Kb5 Nxg3 42. Ka6 f4 43. a5 f3 44. Kxa7 f2 45. a6 f1=Q 46. Kb7 Rc2 47. a7 Qb5+ 48. Ka8 Rc8# 0-1
Educational Reform from A-to-Z
This was my slogan when running for office this past fall. Today I ran into the professor that came up with the slogan and as a result I decided to revisit my old website. I was amazed to see the number of visitors I have had over the past few months even thou the election is long over. The funny thing about it is that the visitors are all leaving comments about how great the website looks and only if they knew I have no idea how to maintain or create a website. The guy on the right hand corner of the bottom picture is really responsible for my website!!!
Saturday, April 21, 2007
QVC Shopping...
Ever since I found about the “wine making” video, I have been going around showing it to everybody that I know. Today one of my friends from
Friday, April 20, 2007
Grey's Anatomy...
Tonight I decided to watch some T.V. (other than the news) for the first time in weeks. As I was surfing through the channels I realized that I indeed failed to watch a single episode of Grey’s Anatomy this season; it was then that I remembered one of the discussions we had in our classroom regarding ABC putting all of the episodes online for FREE. Three hours later and I am now good to go; the one amazing thing about the episodes being online is the lack of too many commercials. One can watch an episode with only three 30 second advertisements in the middle. For the first time in my life I have not been bothered by the advertisements during a show. Its Great!!!
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Thank You...
Thank you so much for a great semester Marissa; this was one of the best classes I have taken at Annenberg. This class is VERY practical because we all get a chance to see professionals from the field come in to our classroom and share their experiences with us. Believe it or not, I am going to miss our class and I can now say that I have a greater appreciation for blogs and bloggers. Thanks for not making this class boring!!!
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Wine Making...
Unfortunately this has been a sad week for many around the nation. Everywhere we look, we see people talking about the tragic events that took place on Monday. I have been watching the news for the past few days and like most students have been sickened by the images I have seen. So to make myself feel better, I decide to search for some funny clips on the internet. I feel as if this isn’t the right time to for blaming, questioning and playing politics. I am sure I will partake in questioning the gun control laws in future posts; but for now I hope this clip can help some of you by putting a smile on your face.
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Monday, April 16, 2007
The Media...
All day the media has been going after the administration for not doing enough. I on the other hand would take the administrations side because I just get really sick of the media going crazy and trying to find somebody to blame after every major tragedy that we are faced with as a nation. In this particular case, I think the administration took the necessary steps to deal with the situation; the first group of officers at the first scene believed that it was a domestic dispute that resulted in a shooting. The officers then surrounded the building and started looking for proper evidence (talking to witnesses) as a means to collect information on the suspect. I don’t think that it would make sense for a university that large (population of more than 36,000) to have all operations stopped over what was thought as a single incident by the university police. That being said, I believe that there is always room for improvement and I am sure that all universities around the country are going to review there emergency policies over the next few weeks. I also like the idea of warning the students using helicopters after it was known that a madman was going on a shooting rampage. But in my opinion, for us to be so quick in pointing fingers at one another is not the best way to deal with such a catastrophe. Now is a time for mourning and reflection, those who are to bed held accountable will be so at a later date, for now let us stay united.
Great Speaker...
First of all I wanted to say how much I enjoyed our speaker this past week; over the semester we have had a lot of great speakers and I always found myself asking a lot of questions because they were all so interesting. Angela Wilson like all of the other speakers was extremely fascinating and she managed to cover everything during her lecture; it was so good that I couldn’t come up with a question to ask her. I absolutely loved the “Kitty Calendar” episodes and therefore thought I would post the 3rd episode so those of you who were in class would get to see what happened next…
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Row Cup...
Today the men of Phi Delta Theta participated in the “Row Cup” challenge to raise money for the Ronald McDonald House as part of a philanthropy for Alpha Delta Pi sorority. This event is a popular fraternity soccer tournament that brings in over 5,000 dollars each year. The Phi Delta team managed to win the 2nd bracket of the tournament which means we won some sporting equipments (we don’t know what it is yet) for our house. I had a great time participating in this event as one of my last things I do before graduation.
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Mastercard Commercial...
I just ran into this clip that my brother had sent me back in January. I think this is one of the funniest things I have ever seen in my life.
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Gamma Class...

This past week, we had our initiation for the Gamma class of Phi Delta Theta. Before initiation we had to perform one last mission which consisted of running down the
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Testing Out...
Today I passed the last major hurdle before graduation. Few weeks ago I was informed by my undergraduate advisor that I had to either take three semesters of a foreign language / or test out of a language before graduating in May. Fortunately my native language is Farsi and therefore I had the opportunity to test out of it; the problem however was that I would only get one try to pass the test which consisted of reading, writing and speaking. The scary concept was the fact that I only got one chance to pass all three areas and that failing to reach that goal would have meant not graduation. So after a two hour test I am happy to announce that I indeed passed the test and are now one step closer to graduating !!!!
Monday, April 9, 2007
Spring Break Pics...
Thursday, April 5, 2007
Drunk Driving...
Last night, the director of “A Christmas Story,” Bob Clark, and his son Ariel were killed in a drunk driving accident in Pacific Palisades. One of
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
Well, the hostages are free once again. I must say, I was surprised that the British admitted to their mistake, whether it was true or not, and that the Iranians accepted it and returned their men. Who knew diplomacy could actually work in this world. In fact, this relatively painless transfer of POWs actually gives me hope for future diplomatic relations with Iran, it proves to the rest of the world, or just the rest of America, that they are not mindless fundamentalists, but that they are reasonable when it comes to making deals with other countries.
Money Money Money... Money!!!
So, Obama is close on Hillary Clinton’s tail with fundraising. He has already raised $25 million, which apparently almost matches the amount that Clinton has raised. Furthermore, he has tapped over 100,000 donors, two times as much as Clinton. Does this mean that Obama is holding his own in the race for the democratic nomination—that he may be developing a quality base of constituents? I hope, in the midst of this frenzy to gain money and popularity, that Obama can actually prove his worth as a leading political candidate. I’m still waiting to hear, other than his homely background and charismatic public appeal, what his platform is, and how he truly represents the wishes of